jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Judging the cities- 1st of June

Your task so far...

   We are going to evaluate the cities that you have created.  In order to do so, if you are from 2ndAB click here to evaluate the cities made by 2ndAB's students. If you are from 2nd CD click here to evaluate the cities made by 2ndAB's students.

    I am sure you will be fair and you will remember that most of you worked really hard to accomplish your goal and create this city, but you can´t be biased, you have to be clear and praise what has been done right as well as noticing what is missing or what has been done wrong. To do so, you will have to post a comment to every city. This comment should start with the following sentence: Hello, we are "NAME OF YOUR GROUP" and this is our impression of your city:

 Remember, these were the instructions you needed to follow in order to produce a modern city:

Hello there!
            You must be the clever technicians, artisans, architects and engineers who where hired to build a Medieval city in a faraway land. Welcome to our city! As you see, it´s a little out of date, so we were hoping you could be able to improve it with the new technologies of the 21st century.
            Here you have some of the demands we would like you to consider:

-We think cardboard is not very fashionable and it doesn´t keep us warm, we would prefer our buildings to be made of wood, it would not be a problem if our city has to be smaller!
-Nowadays, we have a Town Hall and plumbing, and sewers and highways, could you do that for our city! (Yes, I know you would have to reduce the scale of the city, but we are sure you can manage).
-We want to have a bridge too. Bridges seem to be quite important, a modern one.
-We also demand having an airport, communications and travel are quite hard these days without it!
-And don´t forget about entertainment! Our people deserve to have some places where to have fun, don´t they?

   According to this, every comment you make to every city should start by clearly stablishing the things that they did correctly and the things that they miss, like:
     Hello there, we think you made a great/good/regular job. From the ideal city, you managed to make houses so people could live, but they were supposed to be made of wood and you did not use wood. You also made the bridge, well done! Not too many groups remebered it.

Now add your personal opinion, do you like it? could it be better? Does it look nice? Does it look too big? Is it similar to the design you wanted to reproduce? Look carefully at the design of the city, is it correct? Is there any item missing? (hardly anyone remembered to add the meassurements when designing the city). How can you identify an airport? Are airports identified by a massive sign in which you read "AIRPORT" in real life?

At the end of your commentary, give a mark to the city (0-10) which numerically illustrates your written opinions.

IMPORTANT: when you click on "post" your comment, your comment will be sent to me and will not be published until Sunday, your comment is sent but awaits moderation.


1 comentario:

  1. Hello, we are the group Torre del oro, we like your work, we think that you can do it better, we can see it good, we think that is similar than in the project, we think that you have the airport but we can't see the name. Our mark for your work is 8.
